Patch's Past

Bellingham, WA, United States
I'm a shih tzu rescued by my forever mom from a hoarder of dogs when I was about ten years old. I've had a past of abuse by neglect, including a fractured jaw and broken teeth. Now, for the past two years, I've been rescued, rehabilitated and revered. I've had a fitness program, swim therapy, and every kind of supplement imaginable. My arthritis is minimized by weight control, exercise, massage and medication. I am pampered,privileged and petted and now -- I AM GOING TO PARIS.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Bread Fair

Today Mom and Susan and I went to the bread fair in front of Notre Dame.  There was a competition of bread and pastry baking by bakers from three different regions in France.  We arrived just as the winner was being announced.  Winning this kind of competition is a very big thing and there was a lot of cheering.  There were some ladies in traditional costume of their regions and they let me sit with them to have my picture taken.  Right after that, someone took a picture of me in my poussette.  I felt as important as the bread ladies!

Breads and pastries were on display, and embellished with intricate sculptures made out of dough.


St. Severin is a Gothic church with a cloister that was at one time a burial place for rich and poor.  The little churchyard is an island of peacefulness surrounded by a tangle of noisy, narrow streets buzzing with tourists.  In the 15th century the rich and prominent people were laid to rest in the quaint Gothic spaces with the peaked roofs and the poor were buried in a common grave in the middle.  Later, in the 17th century the arcades were separated and closed off for living spaces for priests, so the living took the place of the dead.


  1. Hey Patch, What adventures you are having! I hope you got to sample some of the breads. They really looked delicious. I loved seeing your photos at all those fun and historic places. You must feel like a movie star with people taking your picture. Teddy (and his uncultured brother, Casey)

  2. Momma would have loved going to the bread fair because she is a big fan of fresh, warm bread with lots of butter. You should see her drooling just thinking about this event - BOL, BOL
