Patch's Past

Bellingham, WA, United States
I'm a shih tzu rescued by my forever mom from a hoarder of dogs when I was about ten years old. I've had a past of abuse by neglect, including a fractured jaw and broken teeth. Now, for the past two years, I've been rescued, rehabilitated and revered. I've had a fitness program, swim therapy, and every kind of supplement imaginable. My arthritis is minimized by weight control, exercise, massage and medication. I am pampered,privileged and petted and now -- I AM GOING TO PARIS.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Trip to the Veterinaire

I got up this morning not feeling well and peed on the floor.  Mom was upset and puzzled because I'd been so good about not doing that inside.  I ate my breakfast and soon something started to hurt and itch and I went wild trying to scratch and rub it off.  I'm allergic to fleas, so even though Mom had put Advantage Multi on me a couple of days ago, she thought I may have been bitten by a flea, so she gave me some Benadryl.  A little later, I threw up my breakfast and kept throwing up until I thought I was going to throw up the lining of my stomach.  Finally I stopped and got kind of sleepy from the Benadryl, but still kept moving from place to place to try to find a place that would make me feel better.  I tried laying behind things and in the dark and on the cool tile and in my house and on a pile of shopping bags, but nothing worked.  Finally, Mom called the vet who, fortunately, was nearby and got an appointment for the afternoon.  When we got there, she and the vet communicated in half French and half English until the vet understood what had been going on with me.  She started to examine me very carefully and guess what she found.   A TICK!!!  Mom had noticed it this morning when she was grooming me, but had never seen one before so she didn't know what it was.  She thought it was an old age wart!  The vet continued to examine me after she had removed that one and she found TWO MORE!  The one on my lip was the one that was causing me all the problems today.  My lip, under my whiskers, was red and puffy.  Poor Mom was horrified!  So the vet gave me two shots, which REALLY hurt, and gave Mom some ointment for my lip and some pills for the itch.  Also something for my upset tummy.  Even though Mom had just put the Advantage on me, now she has to get some Frontline for the tick problem.  The vet said that ticks are prevalent in the south of France, but we weren't there; but we were in the east and in the woods.  She said in the east you have to really be careful of Lyme disease.  Oh, dear, what a scary world this is!
No pictures today - the ticks stayed at the vet's.


  1. Hey Patch, Hope you are feeling better! Those ticks are some nasty things! They start out little and get all puffed up on our blood. I've never had one, but Casey and Mom and Dad have. Teddy

  2. Poor Patchy! What a terrible experience for you (and your mom). You better come home right away so you can avoid all the dangers of France.
