Patch's Past

Bellingham, WA, United States
I'm a shih tzu rescued by my forever mom from a hoarder of dogs when I was about ten years old. I've had a past of abuse by neglect, including a fractured jaw and broken teeth. Now, for the past two years, I've been rescued, rehabilitated and revered. I've had a fitness program, swim therapy, and every kind of supplement imaginable. My arthritis is minimized by weight control, exercise, massage and medication. I am pampered,privileged and petted and now -- I AM GOING TO PARIS.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Thank you, Thank you very much!

I want to thank my dogster pals for the supportive comments on my blog. It really stinks that I have to stay in my crate while Mom samples the cultural side of Paris. She didn't want me to take that to the literal extreme that Coco and Puffy suggested, however. I'm afraid if I followed their advice I'd have to have a BATH!

As to Teddy and Casey's observation about the dogs missing from the royal wedding, they probably had to stay in their royal crates. I call for equal rights for dogs!!

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