Patch's Past

Bellingham, WA, United States
I'm a shih tzu rescued by my forever mom from a hoarder of dogs when I was about ten years old. I've had a past of abuse by neglect, including a fractured jaw and broken teeth. Now, for the past two years, I've been rescued, rehabilitated and revered. I've had a fitness program, swim therapy, and every kind of supplement imaginable. My arthritis is minimized by weight control, exercise, massage and medication. I am pampered,privileged and petted and now -- I AM GOING TO PARIS.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

We are now in our second apartment, not as new and convenient as the first one, but also not as noisy and in a livelier area.  Just as soon as I get used to one place and routine, she throws something else at me.  Good thing I'm a pretty balanced guy.  Now we have people living with us.  First one came and the next day another one came.  I wonder what will happen tomorrow?  I'm OK with it, as long as Mom sticks around, but every once in awhile she leaves me in their care and even though I'm sure they're very nice ladies, I DON'T WANT MOM TO LEAVE ME!  I get all agitated and panicky and try to follow her.  When she was gone for a few hours, I waited by the door for a long time, but it didn't seem like she was going to come back, so I started getting an anxiety attack again.  I was so happy when she finally came back that I had to grab my bunny and race madly around the apartment.

This is the door Mom went out, so...
Our old apartment had a tiny elevator in it that was just big enough for the poussette and Mom and me.  This apartment is on the fourth floor and NO ELEVATOR!  I'm an old guy and going up all those stairs is pretty hard on me.  Mom says we can go slow, but she can't carry me because she's an "old guy" too, and doesn't want to exacerbate her sciatica.

Today we went for a walk through Mom's favorite place in Paris, le jardin du Luxembourg, a famous park where many people love to stroll, jog, or sit in the ubiquitous green chairs and read the paper or just enjoy the sun.  There's a pond, a bassin, where children have sailed their boats for generations.  The palace was the home of Marie de Medicis at one time and is now the home of the French Senat.

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